hello, heres my terms of serviceNOTICE:
if any work of mine has been acquired before 2 / 28 / 2022- the creation date of my tos- the rules here do not apply to them as there was no tos to agree to nor review.
any and all changes made to my tos apply to all designs, artworks, and linearts ive made regardless of when they were made. it is your responsibility as a holder of my designs & work to keep yourself updated and in compliance with my terms of service. if you ever have any questions, dont hesitate to ask !! i promise i dont bite. all i ask is for my terms to be respected **** noncompliance will result in being blacklisted. i do not take to violations kindly, especially when my tos is here; easily accessible & available

here is

what you should do !

- credit me for designs i made
- credit me for art i made
- credit me for lineart / bases i made

here is

what you can do !

^ make sure you still keep my credit though !! the original design / art is still something i created
trade or give away my designs !
^ please be sure to redirect anyone to my tos as well if done !!
resell !
^ this ONLY applies for anyone who bought a design from me. you cannot resell a design for more than you bought it for unless you have added 3 or more new artworks to the design. again make sure you inform the buyer to check my tos !

heres what

you cant do

credit my designs as your own
^ if you own a design / adopt of mine then that is what you own, but please dont claim credit over the design / art of it.
resell a design for more than you bought it for
^ the only exception is if you add AT LEAST 3 or more new art pieces three present on the profile
^ i do NOT support scalpers in any way shape or form. while i cannot stop you from doing this, i can and will blacklist you when i find out. scalping is really scummy and any artist would agree

places to credit

toyhouse: wolffang
tumblr: yotenotes
blusky: yote-notes
discord: yotenotes

thank you for having read my tos